We are used that sex is for kicks only. Below we will tell you about additional advantages of this jelly.
Sex is a perfect depressions remedy. Besides psychological aspect there is also purely physiological one. During love making endorphin is excreted. Exactly this hormone of happiness provides positive dispose and wonderful mood for the whole day.
Do you often have headaches? (and not only headaches). Anyway, sex is a natural remedy for fighting against pain. Again, thanks to specific hormones ejection, pain sensation reduces. So, in stead of a pill you may use natural analgesic. Sex helps to increase immunity. Blood of sexually active people contains one third more antibodies than the blood of those who make love seldom.
Do you have problems with excessive weight? It is not necessary to torture yourself in gym and starve out. Regular love making will help you trip down and improve muscle tone.
Do you have insomnia? It is no need to take soporifics, because oxytocin hormone is natural tranquilizer and helps you easily fall asleep after love making.
You are not satisfied with the condition of your skin? Sex helps to improve its tone, especially if the matter concerns such problem zones as buttocks, hips and belly. Besides, backbone and posture get strengthened.
Wrinkles on your face? Remember TV ads of famous cosmetic brands? So, sex helps to improve the collagen content in organism which is responsible for the skin elasticity. Also progesterone is produced that will help you to get rid of pimples.
Finally, passionate sex and tender words from the beloved will help you increase self-appraisal and you will love yourself more!
Check out our selection of sex toys for couples!
Sex is a perfect depressions remedy. Besides psychological aspect there is also purely physiological one. During love making endorphin is excreted. Exactly this hormone of happiness provides positive dispose and wonderful mood for the whole day.
Do you often have headaches? (and not only headaches). Anyway, sex is a natural remedy for fighting against pain. Again, thanks to specific hormones ejection, pain sensation reduces. So, in stead of a pill you may use natural analgesic. Sex helps to increase immunity. Blood of sexually active people contains one third more antibodies than the blood of those who make love seldom.
Do you have problems with excessive weight? It is not necessary to torture yourself in gym and starve out. Regular love making will help you trip down and improve muscle tone.
Do you have insomnia? It is no need to take soporifics, because oxytocin hormone is natural tranquilizer and helps you easily fall asleep after love making.
You are not satisfied with the condition of your skin? Sex helps to improve its tone, especially if the matter concerns such problem zones as buttocks, hips and belly. Besides, backbone and posture get strengthened.
Wrinkles on your face? Remember TV ads of famous cosmetic brands? So, sex helps to improve the collagen content in organism which is responsible for the skin elasticity. Also progesterone is produced that will help you to get rid of pimples.
Finally, passionate sex and tender words from the beloved will help you increase self-appraisal and you will love yourself more!
Check out our selection of sex toys for couples!