Some extra reasons to make love

We are used that sex is for kicks only. Below we will tell you about additional advantages of this jelly.
Sex is a perfect depressions remedy. Besides psychological aspect there is also purely physiological one. During love making endorphin is excreted. Exactly this hormone of happiness provides positive dispose and wonderful mood for the whole day.
Do you often have headaches? (and not only headaches). Anyway, sex is a natural remedy for fighting against pain. Again, thanks to specific hormones ejection, pain sensation reduces. So, in stead of a pill you may use natural analgesic. Sex helps to increase immunity. Blood of sexually active people contains one third more antibodies than the blood of those who make love seldom.
Do you have problems with excessive weight? It is not necessary to torture yourself in gym and starve out. Regular love making will help you trip down and improve muscle tone.
Do you have insomnia? It is no need to take soporifics, because oxytocin hormone is natural tranquilizer and helps you easily fall asleep after love making.
You are not satisfied with the condition of your skin? Sex helps to improve its tone, especially if the matter concerns such problem zones as buttocks, hips and belly. Besides, backbone and posture get strengthened.
Wrinkles on your face? Remember TV ads of famous cosmetic brands? So, sex helps to improve the collagen content in organism which is responsible for the skin elasticity. Also progesterone is produced that will help you to get rid of pimples.
Finally, passionate sex and tender words from the beloved will help you increase self-appraisal and you will love yourself more!
Check out our selection of sex toys for couples!

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The power of kiss

American sexologists revealed the secrets of kiss. As it turned out, oral coitus plays the key role in sexual games. A kiss is not just a passing flirtation, but an important condition for the continuation of romantic relationships. Scientific investigations only reaffirm this stereotyped view.
The experts say that people are biologically programmed at sexual relationships with certain partners, the lips of which turn out to be more adapted for sensual kiss. They also say that this is exactly the kiss stage when person sorts out partners disliked by him. Of course, here the matter does not concerns exceptional cases when inexperienced partner tries to swallow up the object of his passion, or tries to push his tongue deep into the throat of his partner.
It was found that 59% of men and 66% of women from the number of respondents lost sexual attraction to their partners after the first kiss. With this before such oral coitus they were crave for serious romantic relationships. These are the results of the poll, carried out by the scientists from The State University of New York, Albany.
Sexologists also managed to find the difference between attitudes to love kiss of two genders. For men love kiss if the way to sex, or on the contrary ‐ final accord of love act. And it does not matter whether it was long term relationships or not. Moreover, man prefers moist kiss, giving his saliva to the partner during French kiss, when the tongue is inside the mouth of his beloved. Another way of moist kiss is opened mouth touches. Scientists attribute this peculiarity with the fact that men a less sensitive to smells and to the spectrum of tastes.
Sexologists also say that with the help of saliva, men determine the woman's fertility, because the breathing of partner changes depending on the stage of her menstrual period. Women usually use kiss in order to add special status to their relations with men. Unlike men, they will never make sex without foreplay in the way of kissing. According to the data of scientists from the Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, kiss relieves strains of both partners, reducing the level of hydrocortisone hormone. Moreover, male saliva contains testosterone androgen, which turns women on.
It should be mentioned that such significant role of kiss in romantic relations are traced even in history. In 90 percents of world's culture, a kiss is glorified as an essential element of love. It is worthy of note that fauna does not disregard kiss too. For instance, elephants do it with their trunks.
In short, until scientists leave out the study of kiss, sexologists advise to make sure of its importance at first hand. Love each other, kiss each other and give pleasure to each other with our sex toys!

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Pregnancy and sex toys

Pregnancy, a child's waiting is always a little miracle! But with this, it is nine months of endless worries. There are so many taboos for pregnant women, beginning from medical recommendations not to eat fat, peppered and salty meal, to silly superstitions such as don't cut hairs, don't cross legs and don't knit!
There are so many restrictions, but woman remains lively and emotional. She needs love, attention and a little bit sex as it was before her current state. What about sex toys using during pregnancy? In general, it is not forbidden. Even physicians say that pregnancy during its normal course is not the reason to refuse sex. It is considered that orgasm has a good influence on a child, because during orgasm the organism produces endorphin, which has a wholesome effect on a baby.
Speaking about using sex toys by pregnant women, it should be mentioned that they can use special clitoral stimulators. Also it is harmful to use lubricants, though during pregnancy there is no necessity to use lubes. During such period, the content of hormones which increase vagina moisture, is high. If you still need lubricant, it is recommended to use glycerine based gels.
Though, pregnant women should refrain from using dildos and other sex toys, which penetrate into vagina. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, uterine neck becomes flabby, and using of such devices can cause bleeding. Using vibrators is also harmful for future moms, because vibration can lead to preterm delivery.
If you are expecting a baby, take it most seriously! Sex toys will wait!

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There are a lot of examples when mutual attraction is changed into deep disappointment, or drama, when long awaited intimacy turned out to be a source of sorrow, neurosis, and then led to breakup. Every day, sexologists face such stories of life. Unfavorable statistics of divorces in many cases concerns sexual problems, though the partners have no idea about it. But we live in XXI century the time of scientific achievements, fantastic technologies, and global informatization. But, some people just do not have any idea about this information.
One story. One day, Miss N. Met Mr.G., relationships with him boded cloudless happiness and total mutual understanding. However, the attempts of intimacy failed because of physical pain. According to the statistics, pain during sexual contact is irresistible barrier in every tenth case. Unpleasant sensations, abrasions on genitals may be met even oftener. Only seldom it is connected with anatomic peculiarities, in most of the cases, it is connected with permanent or temporary insufficiency of secretion lubricant. Due to progress of chemistry and biotechnology nowadays many companies produce lubricants on the basis of vegetable biopolymers, which imitate vaginal secretions of women. Such lubricants have the following properties:
Gels imitate natural vaginal secretion and compensate its insufficiency. It does not contain fats. It is made on the basis of natural biopolymer. Have good moistening and lubricating properties. Do not sully linen, washed off easy. It is compatible with condoms and other latex products. Lubricants reduce the risk when condom is torn during sexual intercourse. Lubricant is applied on the genitals surface, protecting mucous membranes from micro injuries and callosities. It relieves pain and prevent from infections.

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Diversify your sexual life

Sexual life.Sex toys

I don`t know couples which do not have problems with sex after several years of life together. But I know some couples which have successfully solved these problems.
How they succeeded in it? You can love one person during the whole life, but even the breathtaking sex is bored. Why it happens? Nobody is guilty. You do everything for your partner to make him/her happy, and he does the same for you, but you got too accustomed to each other. It happens. And if to be more precisely it can not happen in a different way.
Sexologists affirm that after several years of together life a lot of married couples stop making sex. How to return the novelty of sensations? How to make your partner to show impassioned interest again, and not just respect and sincere sympathy? In this situation, banal advices from magazines do not work.
So, what can we do? I decided to call my friend, the mother of three children and ask her directly about this. I was surprised. The matter is that she and her husband have sex every day. It wasn`t always like this, only in last ten years. I asked her to tell me everything! I have learned the following from her story:
1. Stake on sensitivity. First of all you should like yourself. Just believe that body oil is not a nonsense which you can manage without, it really make your skin softer. That pheromones which are sold in sex shops are not placebo, it really influence sexuality.
2. Use vaginal beads for intimate muscles training. There is nothing ridiculous. Anonymous Internet polls showed that women use these sex toys very often. They say that it is unforgettable pleasure during trainings and inexpressible sensations during sex.
3. Buy sex toys and use them together with your partner. Ten years ago my friend, being depressed after a birth of the second child just said to her partner that she wanted something new in sex. As it turned out he wanted the same! They will never forget that night! That night became a new page in their relationships. I think this is because sex is really inexhaustible, and love is eternal.

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