Interrupted Sexual Intercourse of Condom?

Is it possible to get pregnant if using interruption of sexual contact as the only means of protection? 

Scientists consider that interrupted sexual contact can’t be regarded as the most secure way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and especially sexually-transmitted diseases.

In their latest study, British scientists confirmed that pre-seminal liquid produced by 30% of men during sexual contact, but before sperm ejaculation, contains normal, ready for conception spermatozoids.
«This is the first study of its kind, proving that pre-seminal fluid can be fertile», — said the authors of the study, noting that men should use condoms, if they don’t plan to become fathers in the nearest future.

According to the opposite opinion, there is no essential difference in such means of protection as condoms and interruption of sexual contact. The figures show that out of 100 women who use interrupted sexual contact as the only means of protection, four will get pregnant. When it comes to condoms, there is a 2% likeability to get pregnant when using condoms during sex.

Therefore, the chance of getting pregnant from interrupted sexual contact is just 2% higher than in case of using condoms. However, despite of such insignificant advantage in preventing unwanted pregnancy, condoms are by means the only way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, along with abstinence.

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Sex on the First Date

Women always try to look beautiful when they go on the first date. They epilate their legs and put on a sexy lingerie despite the fact that men will not see it as there will not be sex. Women know it, but still continue to do it before the date. And here is the answer: no one knows what is going to happen and there is always a question on women’s mind: “What if…?” Women will forget about their moral principals if they meet passionate and hot man. Any woman wants to experience something exciting and immoral in her life.

On the question “Is first date sex allowable?” a lot of women answered negatively. But there are few women who said “Maybe” or “It depends on situation”.

But men think differently. Men think that there is no other way to see if they fit each other, but sex can show them it. Some men gave uncommon explanations of it. They think that if woman does not want to have sex on the first date, it means that she doesn't do not trust him. And man does not want to be with such a woman who does not believe him.

Well, we can not tell that men’s opinion is a wrong one. If woman does not want to have sex on the first date, it does not mean that she will not make you wait a year. She could want it on the second date. But here appears another question: will man want to have a second date if woman refused him on the first date? Survey by showed that 50% of women had second date after refusal and other 50% didn't.

Why sex on the first date is so important for men? Do not they think about moral principals and sexually-transmitted diseases which you can get through sexual contact?

Surprisingly, sex on the first date has some benefits. It can help partners to start believe each other because they share feelings and emotions during sexual intercourse and this makes moral connection between them more powerful. But there are also disadvantages of the first date sex. It can destroy any relationship from the very beginning because a man or a woman can be disappointed. They have to know each other before the sex.

But who told you that first date is the beginning of long-term relationship or family life? There are modern girls who do not think this way. They just receive pleasure from life and they live present day without thinking about future.

A lot of girls wait for their Prince Charming and they want romance lasts forever, but men do not think about it when they want to have sex. If a man wants to make love with you, do not think that he thinks about love, long- term relationship, wedding and family. He just wants to have sex and be satisfied and no more.

But first date sex is not as bad as it may seen. Everyone has needs for sex, it is good for health and happiness and everyone has the right to have sex. We do not want to tell that women have to sleep with everyone who wants her, but if she met a hot guy, she can have a good time. But do not try to surprise your man and show him that you are not like other girls. Do not offer him to use sex toys, if you are not sure whether he likes them or not. You have to know him well first and only after this you can suggest him dildos, vibrators, sex toy dolls, straps, chains and handcuffs and other sex games.

And do not forget that it is up to you to decide whether have sex on the first date or not. Do not listen to other people and do what your heart and body tell you.

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